Arepas with Pollo Mechado
- 1 chicken breast (shredded) (you can watch the video “Arepas with Reina Pepiada” to learn how to make it)
- 3 diced tomatoes
- 3 garlic cloves
- ½ chopped green pepper
- ½ chopped onion
- ½ cup of oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
In a skillet, add the oil and heat to medium. Add the onion, green pepper, and garlic and cook for 5 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes. Add the shredded chicken , season lightly with salt and pepper, and the pollo mechado is done! Now take the arepas out of the oven, split them open, and stuff the arepas with Pollo Mechado!